

Earn Additional Income For Sharing Your Medical Expertise with InCrowd

Share Your Medical Expertise with InCrowd InCrowd is a healthcare market research organization focused on collecting feedback from diverse medical professionals on a wide range of healthcare topics through brief surveys we call MicroSurveys. We partner with leading names in the life sciences industry and pair them with healthcare professionals who are instrumental in providing...

The Downstream Effects of Fractured Medication Data

Fractured Medication Data Infographic In a time of electronic health records, e-prescribing, and cloud-based storage, it’s hard to believe that a patient’s medication history isn’t always readily available to providers within their clinical workflows. Yet fractured data from multiple sources, inconsistent terminology between different systems, and time-consuming manual entry all hinder the medication reconciliation process. Providers...

Pharmacogenomics and Provider Status with Scott Knoer | PGX for Pharmacists

Pharmacogenomics and Provider Status According to the National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA), community pharmacists are highly accessible health care professionals and 95% of Americans live within just 5 miles of a pharmacy. (https://ncpa.org/provider-status) And what APhA or American Pharmacist Association, the largest association of pharmacists in the US is doing is laser focusing on getting provider...