Dr.Hussam Hamoush
Dr. Hussam Hamoush is the owner and operator of Stonebriar Pharmacy and host of the Sports Pharmacy Podcast. Dr. H has been a wellness pharmacist for over 10 years and specializes in keeping patients healthy by being a strong advocate for patient’s health and finding new ways in helping treat long standing disorders. At Stonebriar Pharmacy he consults for hormone replacement therapy, Low Dose Naltrexone titration, and topical pain interventions.
Dr. H was born and raised in North Carolina then moved to Richmond, VA to attend Virginia Commonwealth University School of Pharmacy. After graduating in 2012, he moved to Texas where he met his beautiful wife and has been living there for the past 11 years. He started his career working as a pharmacy manager and pharmacy supervisor EL for CVS, he then purchased his pharmacy in 2019 right before the COVID pandemic. After him and his team grew his business he expanded into a new location that is still growing to this day. Dr. H is an avid sports fan, a strong supporter of Bayern Munich, the Carolina Panthers, and UNC Tarheels. Find him on Twitter, Instagram, and Tiktok @DoctorMixAlot.